Thursday, October 18, 2018

Week 9 Story:

**Please visit my portfolio to read a more updated version of this story!**

Once upon a time there was a village nestled deep in the snow-capped mountains of Nepal. The people of this village were blessed with extreme physical fitness. As it was situated at high altitude, possessing high aerobic fitness was necessary for providing a family with the essentials for living and for attracting a partner. Every thing that was of importance in their daily rituals was gathered from the mountain side or its summit. The ladies of the village chose their suitor based on how physically fit the man was because that would determine his ability to put food on the table and make a home.

Now, in this village there lived a poor beggar. He had experienced unfortunate luck since birth as he was born with a particularly low level of physical fitness. This didn't allow him to perform many activities at this altitude, especially compared to the other young men. So as time went by, he grew bigger and more lazy, not caring to put much effort into any activity save for one thing: wooing the princess of the village. She was the most sought after and beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had green eyes that were as vibrant as the flora after a summer rain, and experiencing the smile that accompanied her warm laughter felt like being embraced by a crackling fire during a harsh winter. In addition to that she was tall, of healthy build, and was the gentlest girl in the village. The chief had made a rule that no one may become a suitor to his daughter unless he could present her with the rare flower that grows at the top of the highest peak of their mountain.

It was rumored that the old hermit living just outside the village was a wizard and had the ability to enchant stones with certain qualities. The poor beggar knew that the only way he might have a chance at picking this flower and winning the hand of the princess was to consult with the hermit. 

So, for the first time in two weeks, the beggar ineptly got to his feet and began to saunter up the road to the humble abode of the hermit. As he got closer and closer to the hut, he started to notice unusual weather changes. A heavy gust of wind would bring through a foot of snow, but minutes later the snow would be replaced by a spring rain with all sorts of plants, fruits, and trees blooming. He could feel the soft buzz of the magic aura surrounding the hut and knew that once he set foot inside his future would change forever. 

He knocked on the door, then waited for several minutes. Just as he turned to walk away, the door shuddered and with great effort appeared to slowly open inward. Curious, the beggar poked his head in and saw that the room was quite dark except for the fire illuminating the far corner of the room. He spied the man sitting in a chair near the fire, who beckoned him in without ever turning to look.

"I've been expecting you, come have a seat and we'll chat. I can provide you with the tools to change your future, but ultimately the outcome of your success lies within your hands", said the hermit.

To be continued...

Author's Note
This story was influenced by the story of the Wizard and the Beggar in the Laos unit as well as the story of the Tortoise and the Geese from the Tales of Bidpai. This version of the story in its current state has not arrived to the point at which the story of the Tortoise and the Geese has shown its influence. I plan to add an ending to this story once it becomes a part of my portfolio project. In the Wizard and the Beggar, the wizard gives the beggar a magic stone that grants him anything he wants but because the beggar knows of the other magical stones the wizard possesses he comes back to try to rob the wizard. Because of the beggar's greed, the wizard takes the stone back that he gave to him and flies off, leaving the beggar with nothing again. I plan to add a similar element to this story in the future, maybe.

Bibliography/ Image info


  1. JT, I love how you described the girl that the poor beggar saw, as it showed what enchanted him so much to risk it all to go to the top of the mountain. Continue doing a great job at setting the scene of your story and appealing to your readers' five senses like by how you described the weather change when he got closer to the hermit's house!

  2. Hell JT, I thought your version of the original story “The Wizard and the Beggar” was really great! I thought the way you wrote it was really great and flow well throughout. I am interested on what you are going to do with the rest of the story. Overall I thought it was a great story to read, keep up the good work!

  3. Hey JT. I really enjoyed your story. I like how you said that usually everyone in this village is very physically healthy but the main character wasn't. Also you said that the chief demanded that the person who married his daughter would need to bring the flower and not be the best shape basically. It really shows how you can do anything you put your mind to.
