Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

To start off, I'd just like to mention that I found this opportunity to look back over some comments and feedback structures very beneficial. With my schedule it is difficult to find time to check out feedback in addition to my regular assignment load this semester so having it as part of the weekly work worked out great.

Overall, I feel like all the comments I receive for my project website was very helpful. I noticed a common theme among them and they were all about something I could correct. I think the suggestions I received from the professor provided more insight into my grammatical and structural errors while a lot of the student suggestions revolved around aesthetics or plot ideas. A lot of suggestions confirmed what I concluded from my own review which was the fact that I should try incorporating more detail into my story. It seems a lot of comments shared that sentiment so that it something I will definitely look into.

When I write feedback to my peers I try to commend them on an aspect of their story that I really enjoyed or that they did well with, ask a question about something that confused me like a word they used or an action a character performed, and then finally I make a suggestion about something they might add to their story or alter in some way. I hope that my comments are seen as helpful, positive, and constructive. I find it a lot easier to write comments about fairy tales I'm more familiar with but hopefully all of my feedback is of a decent level of quality.

I feel like all of the introductions I've read did a good job of giving a solid level of insight into the hobbies and passions of the writer. After reading several of them, they were written so well that I felt like I could easily hold a conversation with that person face to face and discuss similar interests or have an interesting debate. I think my introduction could use some work but overall I like the layout of my blog.

I believe my introduction could benefit from a little change. I feel as though it should have less focus on traveling and more on things I do locally and more frequently. Regarding the feedback assignments, I think it would be beneficial to me to try to allocate some time to go over the comments I receive more often so I can grow more as a writer each time I tell a story.

I feel like a lot of times the idea of not doing something correctly or the possibility of failure keeps me from attempting some things. I remind myself that it's equally as important to experience failures as it is to experience success. If I never fail, I won't learn how to build myself back up or how to correct things I'm doing wrong. Everyone fails, even the greatest athletes, artists, and intellectuals. If they aren't afraid to fail, why should I?

Image Info : cheezburger

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