Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Reading Notes: Jewish Fairy Tales (Part A)

This week I've begun to read some of the stories from the Jewish Fairy Tales section. This compilation of stories included a piece on Noah, which I read about last week, as well as some new tales I had not heard of. Since I read the story of Noah recently I didn't spend too much time breaking that story down and decided to look more into the other tales.

The Beggar King

  • The arrogant king does not like what the word of God says and tears pages out of the Holy Book
  • God aims to teach the king humility for shunning Him
  • The king goes out to hunt a dear, which tricks him into following to a place where no one could see the king
  • The deer turns to a man and switches places with the king, taking his cloak and copying his image
  • Maybe consider utilizing that type of character in a story to teach a lesson or trick the main character into doing something good or evil
    • Or that character could change reality or trap the main character in a loop til the lesson is learned
  • This is a rendition of the story of Moses from the Bible
  • One of the advisers to pharaoh gives the princess a staff that she uses to make sure Moses passes the test and lives
  • The adviser, Reuel, tells her that the staff was owned by Adam and he received it when he left the Garden of Eden
    • since then the staff was handed down to Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, and finally Joseph before he received it
  • Some story material may involve doing a backstory on the current owner of the staff and talk about what the staff is made of
    • the staff was planted in the ground and grew before Moses became old enough to read the inscription on it and obtain it for himself
    • a side story could be written on the magical powers of the tree that the staff grew into while Moses was growing up

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